Artic Terns: Writing and Art-Making our way through the pandemic, published.

posted in: Davina Kirkpatrick | 0

A collaborative paper by Jane Speedy, Bronwyn Davies, Susanne Gannon, myself, Carol Laidler and Sheridan Linnell that was first presented online at International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry 2021 is now published in Cultural Studies <->Critical Methodologies and can be accessed here:

Abstract: We call ourselves the Arctic terns after the birds that migrate between the northern and southern hemispheres. Three of us live in south-west Britain and three in south-east Australia. We tried to make sense of our lockdown lives and the ways we were imbricated in world events. We wrote and made art in response. We read our work to each other and showed each other our artworks. The material practices we developed helped make the pandemic endurable, and at times hilarious. Here we share some of our work and some of our thinking about why it matters.

cast glass of boot print with dog
Sense memories II, cast glass and glass paint.
collage and mono print of abstracted wind blown landscape
Sense memories I, monoprint and collage

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