Sight returning

posted in: Davina Kirkpatrick | 0

It is so good to write that the sight in my right eye has almost righted itself, just a little residual cloudiness. I also feel amazing on the steroids, my energy, enthusiasm for life and ability to focus has returned. I realise it has been a long time since I felt this well, it is like I have had a part of myself returned to me that I hadn’t fully noticed she was absent. It has prompted me to talk to the doctor about going on HRT as I start to feel in my body the powerful connection between hormones and emotions. It is not coincidental that I am working on a Specialist Study Unit this year with year 3 medics at Peninsula Medical School on Women, Menopause and the Workplace. I will share my story with them when we meet next.

taters on the fence disputed by splodges of blue
Sight returning with residual haziness

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