January – Intention: When you dive into your stillness, who do you meet there? I dreamt I had articulated wings that unfurled. I was standing on a bridge – a gap between and showing them to someone.
For the twelve days of Christmas, I worked on a collaborative project with Claudia Canelli from the Bodies Collective. She sent a written prompt to respond to, we both created artwork. Each image setting an intention for each month of the year ahead. I worked with collage, collecting left-over images I had gathered for the Remembering Sue Workshop, written about in Collaborative Artful Inquiry. I let my hands glide over, sort through, tearing and cutting, placing and sticking, letting each piece form a rhythm, a subtle echo of shape, line, colour, and layered images. Letting my mind drift and expand, beyond the prompt. A daily meditation that I continued with more collages during my week retreat at Prussia Cove, but there letting the day be my prompt. I look forward to being surprised as I revisit the images I created throughout the coming year, seeing if there are prophetic resonances, in my choices of image and statement?
Feb – Intention: Do I feel an impulse to orientate myself toward something? Celtic magic, shapeshifting, shadows, my heart on my sleeve, to trust and let go.
March – intention: What do I want to open my heart to? My heart opens to Raphael -healer and protector of travellers, to canine companions and elemental forces.April – Intention: Where do I want to grow to? Balance, ritual, nature, rhythm.May- intention: Being wild. The intensity of grief The veils between life and death.June – Intention: What do I want to let go of? Let go of the dark, deep holes I fall into and remember that I have a ladder if needed.July – Intention: How can I live with more intensity here and now? Being in the here and now with Ulf and his unconditional red dog love.August – Intention: What do I enjoy? I enjoy cosy indoors, knowing lunar time and hanging with my red dog indoors and out.September – Intention: Where is the place within where I find the good? The hare’s/hair’s breadth between despair and delight.October – Intention: What do I use my life energy for? The energy of creativity and the gerund – making, printmaking, writing, drawing, collaging, sewing, walking, dancing, exercising. November – intention: What happens if I let go? Maybe it all works out…December – Intention: Transformation and clear communication. Does something from the past nights need further clarification? Moving forward through dappled shade with the grace and joy of the orchid.
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