Embodied Absence and Evoking the Ancestors, published in Art/Research International. A Transdisciplinary Journal https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/ari/index.php/ari/article/view/29483

Keywords:presence, absence, grief, co-creation, walking, ritual, making, gifted objects.

Abstract: This paper argues that through participation, dialogue, co-action and the occurrence of immersive experiences, as suggested by Kester (2011), key elements of the research process, relationship, and friendship deepen and are enriched by engaging with absence and presence as part of a chosen activity and bodily experience. The following narrative explores how the production of visual artwork and co-created ritual experience in a chosen landscape weaves a gossamer safety net across the chasm of loss and raises questions of absence and presence, personal loss and the collaborative shared experience; the power of ritual, conversation, and object-making give attention to the presence of absence. My argument builds on the notion of presence, manifest absence and Otherness (Law, 2004, pp. 84-85) and extends the ideas that absence can be located in space and have materiality and agency (Meyer & Woodthorpe, 2008).

peeling clay from the whetstone

The Gap Between published in Between: ineffable intervals, Editor Mel Shearsmith, Published Bristol, Wild Conversations Press.

“So where is your mother?” in Moving Between the Lines, Editor Suze Adams, published Bristol, Wild Conversations Press.